We are reminded on a regular basis that we need to eat right and exercise in order to maintain our health. It sounds easy enough to do. Eat foods that come from the earth, shop the perimeter of the grocery store or at your local farmer's market. Get 30 minutes of activity, 3-5 days a week as a minimum requirement for health. And while we all know these things and receive constant reminders, the actual doing of these things eludes most people. Maybe there is too much to think about; too many choices, too much stimulation, too many opinions and articles to read and shows to watch, featuring other people telling us what is best for our bodies.

The deal is, only you can do it for yourself and only you can determine what is right for you. Get out of the "I will just google it" or "ask Siri". We have become so reliant on other sources telling us what and how to do things, we have forgotten how to have conversations with our own bodies. We have lost the art of listening to the skin we live in. We have lost trust in ourselves.

I won't tell you what to do. My experience with over 25,000 hours of coaching and training individuals of all ages, sizes, backgrounds, needs and goals is that not a single solution works for more than any one person. It is not one-size-fits-all! We are all gloriously and wonderfully different. Every single one of us will have a different trigger, response, plan for what will work best when it comes to the health of our bodies.

That is great news! The answers are all inside of you. The only thing you have to do is un-tap them!  Here are a few suggestions. Find the one thing from each of the three categories that works for you and start un-tapping practices that will lead to your healthiest (and happiest) you!

  1. INSPIRATION, DESIRE, A REASON: what speaks to your heart? Fear of losing health, a doctor's suggestion? Results of laboratory testing, diabetes, heart disease, inflammation? Seeing someone you know (or don't know) make a change in their health habits and how it has affected them? Books you are reading, research or articles that have been shared your way? Someone suggesting you join them in a nutrition or fitness activity or workshop or class? Whatever it is, is has to speak to your heart, which might mean spending some time in meditation; clearing out the chaos and listening to the little voice inside. (The trigger for me to begin my fitness and weight loss journey was 21 years ago when I received notice of high cholesterol numbers. I decided, just like that to change my habits, and I did.)

  2. KNOWLEDGE, THE HOW, WHEN AND WHERE, EDUCATION: be patient with yourself on this one, but whatever you do, don't give up! Identify what you can do with what you have. Do you have a backyard? a swimming pool? a bike? running shoes? fitness equipment in your house? or access to a gym or fitness center? Do you prefer to learn from someone or on your own? Do you enjoy group exercise settings or individual space? Are you comfortable getting uncomfortable? Sweaty? Do you enjoy the social aspects of working out or prefer to have music or a TV? Answering some of these questions will help you to narrow down what you will be most likely to stick with and enjoy and begin the process of calling, visiting, purchasing and contacting people or products to help you. (I joined a gym. I committed to 3 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays after work and every Saturday morning I went swimming. I also purchased a step, some weights and The Abs of Steel video series with Tami Lee Webb. I did the videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work. If plans interfered with my schedule, I got up early to get it done before the day began. I am definitely dating myself! But this is what worked for me over 20 years ago.)

  3. MOTIVATION, REWARDS, TANGIBLE SUCCESS: find a fitness community or maybe even one person you encounter on a regular basis who has noticed you working towards a goal and engage with them to keep you accountable. Find a coach/personal trainer/mentor you trust to keep you accountable. Share your plan with a friend or family member who will offer reminders about your WHY when you find it hard to motivate yourself. Put an X on your calendar for every day you accomplish your goals. Leave yourself affirmations, notes to yourself everywhere you go- on your mirror, in your car, by your keys, in your refrigerator, at your desk. Check on and notice your progress with journals, even a word or two or a line every day, will show changes in experience, feelings and attitude. Include documenting changes in your numbers (weight and measurements, resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes markers, changes in the size clothes you are wearing, etc) if that matters to you. Small rewards for yourself, new workout clothes, new shoes, etc. (I was focused on weight loss and every Saturday I would weigh myself first thing in the morning and keep track on a calendar. I went from a size 16 to a size 4 in 9 months by sticking to my plan!)

Making the decision, making the changes, and following through on living strong, healthy and happy seems like it should be a simple process. But if in fact, it is what you struggle with, you are not alone. It is actually one of the hardest things for most people to do. We can make it easier for you. It is what we do! Our coaches at The Energy Lab, our experience, our energy, our care will get you to where you want to go! 


Energy Lab Coaches

We’ve got you covered and can show you the way.